just the other day i was noticing that i have a lot of books geared toward mothers and mothering that i'm not sure i have ever read, if i have even cracked open the cover. so when i received campos-duffy's book, i have to admit to just a tiny bit of skepticism. i mean, i am committed to staying at home with the kids, and i am not necessarily unhappy. i do get tired of feeling embarrassed when people ask that that is all i do.
i have been surprised at how much i am enjoying stay home, stay happy
did you know that an aol study showed that moms actually accomplish 27 hours of work in 24 hours with all our multi-tasking? no wonder i am so exhausted at the end of every day! she has tips for how to address that exhaustion as well as tips for fostering healthy relationships and using those relationships to help you handle your load.
my favorite tip so far has been the first one: recognizing our need for validation, whether we validate ourselves, accepting the validation of our spouses or finding it elsewhere. sometimes i feel guilty for taking time for myself, as if i'm admitting to laziness instead of accomplishing more around the house. campos-duffy really helped me to remember that the time for myself is necessary and essential and even that i'm worth it!
stay home, stay happy: 10 secrets to loving at-home motherhood
i received a free copy of this book to review but have been in no other way compensated for this review. this review expresses my honest opinion. i might also get a dime or two if you buy this book using my link to amazon. i promise not to spend it all in one place...
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